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June 14, 2017 @ 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm
Moto Republik
Mazowe Street North after Parirenyatwa Hospital Main Entrance P O Box A101 Avondale
harare, Mazowe St, Harare
Moto Republik
08644 076 265
Women Creative Wednesday - Candace Mwakalyelye @ Moto Republik | Harare | Zimbabwe

Women Creative Wednesday is an intimate presentation & discussion platform focused on introducing and educating young women on careers in the creative industry as well as connecting them to mentors and peers within the sector.

Our guest this week is the LeoQueen herself, Candace Mwakalyeye!
As an award winning Radio personality, Candice Mwakalyelye has worked hard to become more than just the popular voice on the ZiFM Stereo news desk. She has blossomed into an events MC, a brand ambassador, and a voice over artist. She is also exploring her creative entrepreneurial skills, taking on projects in Interior décor and accessory design. The next logical step of progression of course is Television!

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Candace has an amazing story to share and a world of advice! Come sit with us as we chat and get some insights on how Candace has built her media brand.
* Limited Seating *
—–>RSVP : [email protected]